Pelot 041

Wellbeing, Wellness, Welcome

We are passionate about supporting people and organisations who want to affect change.... 

Reducing Stress and Burn-Out caused by the rigours of day to day life.  

Life and business is challenging, tough and often competitive. Even keeping up with friends, children, social media and the latest fashions can make you want to explode.

No matter how small or large your shift needs to be, we will help you to develop coping strategy to lead a balanced, focused and fulfilled life.

Reassessing the priorities that drove our lives led us to make changes and move to France in 2018 with our two dogs Piggy and Honey. We hope that the environment we provide at Le Pélot will help you to take stock and create a balance in your life that will bring greater happiness to you and those close to you. 


Kirstie and David
(plus Honey and Piggy too of course)

To find out more, visit Oscar our doggie guru...

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or drop us a line....

If you are just considering a first step, feel unsure about what to expect or you are the type of person who needs something like this on a regular basis then please get in touch with us to discuss how we can make your stay amazing.

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